September 23, 2021


The STARS for week 2 are: Finley Holman, Brady Shea, Alexis Abrams, Karalee Pridgeon, Carter Nakhla, and Zaccariah Sage.

200+ games were bowled by: Karalee Pridgeon 200, Michael Murphy 205 & 222, Casey Jones 203 & 213, Liam Wilmoth 204, Gabryelle Martin 227, Nate Roberson 227 & 222, Andrew Stanko 202, and Logan Chappell 262, 201, 224 for a 687 set.

Fantastic Bowling Everyone!

If you signed up for coaching this Saturday, it starts at 9 am.

Free coaching is available on Saturdays at 9am before bowling. Sign up is on a first come, first served basis. Sign up at the front desk. There are 6 spots available for coaching.

See you Saturday!

Ms. Dee