October 7, 2021
The STARS for week 4 are: Jagger Rohde, Oliver Bredehoeft, Catherine Kreller, Sam Kollra, Megan Shea, and Brooke Blackburn.
200+ games were bowled by: Aiden Conner 202, Nate Roberson 249, and Logan Chappell 227, 212, & 201.
Awesome Bowling All!
The 38th Annual Ten Pin Council Scholarship Tournament will be held on Nov. 21, 2021 at Harford Lanes. This is open to all high school students 14 & up (read eligibility requirements on back of entry). Entry forms are under the bulletin board. Entry forms get mailed to MDUSBC.
The MD State Pepsi Youth Championships Regional Level Qualifiers will be on Nov. 13th & Nov. 20th. More info will be given out during league on Nov. 6th.
The Saturday morning coaching is cancelled until further notice. If you are interested in becoming a bowling coach, see me for info!
Good Luck to the FHL Youth League Bowlers participating in the Danny Wiseman Tournament this weekend. Bowl Well!!!
See you Saturday!
Ms. Dee
Oct. 7