January 24, 2025

The STARS for week 3 are: Natalie Staab, Declan Lincoln, Michael Guillet, Hailey Goedeke, Jax Wernsing, Kylie Huber, Adalyn Smith, Benj. Koppenhoefer, Nicholas Sullivan, and Aiden Carver. 200+ games:Michael Murphy 200 & 227.
Great bowling all!
PEPSI League Qualifiers continue on Saturday! Bowlers just need to try your best and have fun! Good Luck!
•   Don’t forget to come up with a team name and write it on the recap!
•   In the event of inclement weather be sure to check our Facebook page or our website for updates. Please do not call the center!
•   Don’t forget to sign up for coaching! It’s free for current youth league bowlers! (bantam-major)
•   Our coaches are available for help during league play. Look for the red shirt!
See you Saturday!
Ms. Dee